Category Archives: wave watching


It’s #WaveWatchingWednesday, and this is actually my 75th post in this series, recapping my wave watching pics from my Insta @fascinocean_kiel! For all of you new readers on my blog — wave watching (and #KitchenOceanography) is actually how I really got into blogging and social media a long time ago; I was in the habit of taking at least one photo of water every day, and explaining the physics in a short blog post. And those posts got a lot of engagement, both on- and offline, lots of fascinating discussions of physics. Sometimes I miss that… So even though now this kind of post might look a little out of place amongst all the academic development stuff I do now, this is really how it all started. Enjoy!

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Today’s #WaveWatchingWednesday is a recap of one of the most amazing experiences ever: A freediving trip to Dahab. Even though we have been back for more than a week now, I am still processing all the new impressions — the sea, the colors, the snorkling (and for those who need to hear it: no, looking at “the elephant” at 25 meters depth does NOT count as “snorkling”! ;-)), the desert, the people, the sounds and smells, the challenges that I took on and mastered, the challenges I did not take, the PBs, the feeling of accidentally having fallen into a fish tank, the “special tea”, seeing all the places I had heard so much about and seen in so many documentaries, the water, the amazing friends I travelled & dived with, their support and encouragement, my instructor Anja’s wise words… I will need more time to process everything, but here are some pictures (out of several thousand that I took!). Enjoy!

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