Waaaaater! Enjoy! :)
Morning swim with a drop on the lens that wouldn’t budge, capillary waves and nice company @badenymfeliv :) Aren’t those deformed reflections just awesome?
Had forgotten that this kind of weather even happens in Bergen. But even nicer to have morning swim buddies @badenymfeliv @kristinnevernotdreaming
Also very nice morning for #wavewatching! Wind (and rain) coming from the left, so to the right of the floating saunas there is a sheltered area, into which waves propagate from the sides
Very clear pattern of waves & reflections at the boundary of #lillelungegårdsvann which seem to suddenly appear in the areas that are more sheltered from the wind, even though in other areas they are just concealed by wind waves.
Long climb down today for a morning swim shortly after low water
Surface tension of the water and hydrophobic leaves make for beautiful drops!
Sitting in Bergen (as you might have guessed from the flower & flag I was greeted with at the train station on arrival), giving a virtual presentation about a Bachelor thesis I co-supervised at @kieluni at a conference in the UK. And love the new @iEarth.no sticker on my coffee mug. That’s all!
Quite some cognitive dissonance for me here with the tropical water colours and rain clouds hiding the mountains
The sun comes out for a minute and I just loooove this city
Now doesn’t this look the way Instagram is supposed to look? But lots of interesting fluid processes going on here, creating that heart shape, making the foam, determining the shades of brown where coffee & milk mix… #kitchenoceanography
And since we are on the topic of #kitchenoceanography (and my flag & flower are such a pretty backdrop), here are some nice instabilities on dense plumes of cold-brew tea!