This is the 80th #WaveWatchingWednesday on this blog, recapping water pictures from my Insta @fascinocean_kiel! Funny how consistency accumulates stuff over time, imagine I was this consistent in other things…
Here comes the recap of two very exciting trips: To the 31nd AIDA World Championship in Pool Freediving, and to Kreidesee in Germany, where we did some freediving ourselves. Enjoy!
#WaveWatchingWednesday recapping a freediving weekend in Boalt, a work trip to Bergen and Voss with lots of dipping in both places, a freediving competition back home, and more dipping!
It’s #WaveWatchingWednesday, and this is actually my 75th post in this series, recapping my wave watching pics from my Insta @fascinocean_kiel! For all of you new readers on my blog…
Today’s #WaveWatchingWednesday is a recap of one of the most amazing experiences ever: A freediving trip to Dahab. Even though we have been back for more than a week now,…
Wow, I am so bad at posting wave watching pics recently… Here is everything that happened on my wave watching Instagram @fascinocean_kiel in the last 10 weeks! Enjoy!
I haven’t done a #WaveWatchingWednesday in 7 weeks — time flies when you are having fun! So here are the last 7 weeks of water Instagram pics from @fascinocean_kiel. Enjoy!
Shockingly little #WaveWatching currently happening on my Insta @fascinocean_kiel (maybe I also need to reconsider the name at some point?), but here are the latest pictures!
Here is a whole summer worth of #WaveWatching pics from my Insta @fascinocean_kiel. With a bit of meta commentary around it, because there are SO many pictures. Enjoy!
I know, it’s not even Wednesday today, but I have to get all the pictures out that have accumulated since the last #WaveWatchingWednesday post on January 19th! Because these days,…
I just realised that the last time I posted #WaveWatching pics from my Insta @fascinocean_kiel was today a month ago, so I couldn’t wait until Wednesday… Please enjoy pics from…
Haven’t posted a #WaveWatchingWednesday in a while — but I am very regularly posting over on my Instagram @fascinocean_kiel. Check it out if you fancy a more regular supply of…
Last #WaveWatchingWednesday of 2020 — this year’s final compilation of my Instagtam posts! Today with a lot of non-wave watching pics. But who doesn’t love some #KitchenOceanography?
(Download in English || Download in Spanish; thanks to Felipe Veloso for translating!) How about a little wave watching game to celebrate #WaveWatchingWednesday? The minute I saw Andrea Lopez Lang’s…
Even though I haven’t done a #WaveWatchingWednesday in a looong time, there has of course been a lot of wave watching going on. But the longer I wait with copying…
Welcome to another #WaveWatchingWednesday — all my wave watching Instagram pictures in one place! Read all about it (and look at a lot of pretty pictures!) below the cut.
A week’s worth of #WaveWatching pictures for you. Enjoy! Starting off strong: I love living in Kiel! Totally different vibe the next morning, looking very winter-y somehow. And then another…
Ooops, long time no see! But even though I haven’t posted a #WaveWatchingWednesday on my blog in a while, I’ve still been active over on Instagram. These are the last…
Several of my friends were planning on teaching with DIYnamics rotating tables right now. Unfortunately, that’s currently impossible. Fortunately, though, I have one at home and enjoy playing with it enough…
I didn’t post a #WaveWatchingWednesday last week because even though I had tons of pretty Instagram posts, most of them didn’t have any explanations going with them. But since this…
Reposting all of last week’s posts from my #WaveWatching Instagram @fascinocean_kiel. Enjoy! Lovely morning with wave watching and all the trees in full bloom. Hope you have a nice day!…
Here are all of last week’s #WaveWatching Instagram posts for you! If you would like daily wave watching pics rather than weekly digests, follow my Instagram @fascinocean_kiel! #wakewatching in a…
Welcome to another #WaveWatchingWednesday post, where you get all of last week’s wave watching pics from my Instagram @fascinocean_kiel in one go! Let’s get started: Fascinating how different parts of…
I didn’t write a #WaveWatchingWednesday post last week. I think when my last blogpost ended with the Oslo ferry leaving Kiel for the last time in the forseeable future, it…
Recap of last week’s posts on my #WaveWatching Instagram @fascinocean_kiel! Starting off with two newts, because sometimes I actually look at stuff in the water, not just the waves on…
Here’s another #WaveWatchingWednesday overview over my Instagram @fascinocean_kiel! Enjoy! Sun glint can be so helpful to make waves visible more clearly, like this morning. I love the combination of the…
Welcome to the recap of my #WaveWatching Instagram @fascinocean_kiel! Starting off strong: My standard #KitchenOceanography overturning circulation experiment (recognize the tank & the cool pad?) put into a very different…
Another week, another #WaveWatchingWednesday! Here are my collected Instagram posts from my wave watching Insta @fascinocean_kiel. Even quick glimpses of water make me happy: #WaveWatching from the train! And even…
Another recap of a week on my wave watching Instagram @fascinocean_kiel. Enjoy! Best thing for my mental health: Running along the waterfront. Bonus if it includes wave watching as it…
Here is another #WaveWatchingWednesday with last week’s recap of my wave watching Insta @fascinocean_kiel! Enjoy! Opening my mom’s fridge, I went „WHAT IS THAT SUPER AWESOME LAYERED SAUCE???“. Turns out…
Another summary post of my wave watching Insta @fascinocean_kiel! Enjoy! What is going on in the picture below? Just from looking at the picture I could only guess, but luckily…
For #WaveWatchingWednesday: A collection of pictures that I took (and shared on my wave watching Insta @fascinocean_kiel over the last week. For some reason with a lot more commentary on here…
Yay! Another recap of my wave watching Insta! The year started off in the very best company — watching ships and waves and flowers with Astrid! But of course there…
A couple of days ago, I attended the workshop “Rethinking student belonging and well-being at universities” (recording available here) organised by the Erasmus+ project BELONG. Here are some thoughts!
I’ve been teaching about social media for academics in one way or another for a long time. I have recommended at least two books to read (links to my blogposts…
I absolutely loved reading the “small teaching” book by Lang (2021), so I was super excited to dig into the related “small teaching online — applying learning science in online…
Super excited to share a guest post today: Felipe is writing about his recent #WaveWatching article on “Evaluating shallow water waves by observing Mach cones on the beach”. I came across…
As my Twitter @meermini was quickly approaching 1k followers last week, I’ve been reflecting about who is following me and why. And on whether what I assume about my audience…