My most loyal guest poster strikes again! Welcome Kirsty Dunnett, today writing about Galløe (2023)’s chapter on how emotions differentiate opportunities.
Welcome to a new guest post by my most loyal guest blogger, Kirsty Dunnett, on odd experiences with peer review and generative AI which, in combination, provoke a lot of…
“Motivation is left, right and centre in learning. Self Determination Theory’s (SDT) is one of the main theories of motivation, and its two founders, Ryan and Deci, are number 6…
I thought a lot, and wrote (e.g. here), about my positionality in relation to my work recently, inspired by conversations with, and nudging by, Kirsty. Below, I am posting her response…
Below, Kirsty is discussing how it can potentially discourage efforts to improve teaching and teachers when we focus on the strength of evidence too much, and don’t value the developmental…
Kirsty sent me this super interesting text with a vision of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) being a collective enterprise, rather than a mostly individual one. I love the…
Another guest post by Kirsty Dunnett about the difficulty of applying skills from a maths course in the context of geoscience courses, and what can be done to make it…
Haha, I ended my post this morning with “…but at that point I lost interest”, and apparently that’s a great call to action! Kirsty Dunnett, faithful guest blogger on my…
Who are you travelling with? A guest post by Kirsty Dunnett. A summary and some thoughts on: Supporting students in higher education: proposal for a theoretical framework By J.-M. De Ketele…
I got permission to publish Kjersti Daae‘s iEarth conversation on teaching (with Torgny Roxå and myself in April 2021) on my blog! Thanks, Kjersti :-) Here we go: I teach…
Super excited to share a guest post today: Felipe is writing about his recent #WaveWatching article on “Evaluating shallow water waves by observing Mach cones on the beach”. I came across…
Last week, I wrote about increasing inquiry in lab-based courses and mentioned that it was Kirsty who had inspired me to think about this in a new-to-me way. For several years,…
Today’s guest blogger Jeannette and I “met” on Twitter when she reposted one of my 24 Days of #KitchenOceanography posts, saying “A friend just forwarded me a #kitchenoceanography experiment that pretty…
My friend Alice runs a really interesting Instagram account that I love following. She posts about being a PhD student in physics didactics, does #experimentalfriday (which you might remember from her…
My friend Alice Langhans runs a super cool science communication Instagram (@edu_al_ice), where she posts about her experiences as PhD student in physics education research. And there is a lot more…
Von Carolin und Marie Am heutigen Tage wurden auch das Salz, die Dichte und die Wellen endgültig überführt. Das, was jetzt noch alles abschließt, ist die morgige Gerichtsverhandlung. Darauf haben…
Von Carolin und Marie Heute haben sich die Lehrlinge gegenseitig ihre beantworteten Fragen vorgestellt. Vollständig überführt wurden zurzeit das Klima und die Strömungen, die Gezeiten und das Eis. Beim Salz…
Von Carolin (12) und Marie (13) Am heutigen Tage wurden die gesammelten Hinweise genauestens dokumentiert. Dann begannen die Lehrlinge ihren Tätern weiter auf die Schliche zu kommen. Es wurde getestet,…
Von Carolin (12) und Marie (13) Heute war der Tag der Tage: Die Detektive sind mit dem Forschungsschiff Uthörn zum Tatort gereist. Zuerst mussten die Lehrlinge sehr früh aufstehen und…
Von Carolin (12) und Marie (13) Am heutigen Tage waren die Lehrlinge wieder besonders fleißig, denn sie mussten sich auf die spektakuläre Reise zum Tatort vorbereiten. Doch bevor dieses geschah,…
Von Carolin (12) und Marie (13) Heute sind die Detektivlehrlinge schon mitten in der Planung der Experimente, aber Meisterdetektivin Glessmer erklärt vorher noch, wie sie ein Experiment vorbereiten und durchführen sollen. Die…
Mission Ozeanographie Von Carolin (12) und Marie (13) Tag 1 Die Meisterdetektive Käse, Vogt und Glessmer wollen 17 neue Lehrlinge in 8 Tagen das Detektivleben im Hauptfall Ozean näherbringen. Kaum sind sie…
Exciting guest post on a newly published paper by Angelika H. H. Renner. I’ve met Angelika on a cruise in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current a long time ago where we worked…
More bad weather in Hamburg. Today I have the pleasure to announce a guest post by Torge Martin. Torge, together with J&J, came to visit Hamburg recently, and we got…
Guest post by Kristin Richter! Today I’m excited to bring to you a guest post from Innsbruck, Austria, written by my friend Kristin Richter. Kristin ran the oceanography lab in Bergen…