I’ve been teaching about social media for academics in one way or another for a long time. I have recommended at least two books to read (links to my blogposts…
Often completely underrated by people who start using twitter: The power of hashtags. In this post: Very brief intro and then the three main purposes for which I personally use…
All throughout November, I’ve posted pretty much daily to my #WaveWatching Insta @fascinocean_kiel. And here are all the posts for you! If you prefer daily updates, why not follow my…
My scicomm Instagram @fascinocean_kiel is back! As in it’s something that I am putting more thought into again. While it started off strong almost two years ago with daily posts…
Guest posts, take-overs and interviews are a great alternative to maintaining social media channels for every scientist / project / institution individually, if that isn’t what you want to be…
One of the 2018 achievements that I feel pretty proud of is developing a social media strategy for the science communication research project Kiel Science Outreach Campus, and implementing it together…
Inspired by the absolutely brilliant job that Kati is doing for my project GEO-Tag der Natur, I have recently started experimenting with “Insta stories” on the topic of wave watching.…
So today (and tomorrow and the day after) is the big event that I have been working towards all year in my not-so-new-anymore job: The GEO-Tag der Natur! If you…
Interesting year-in-review: despite amazing photo opportunities in Cyprus and Norway and other beautiful places, the Kiel fjord is clearly dominating my most successful Instagram posts of 2018 (only two are…
One of the 2018 achievements that I feel most proud of is developing a social media strategy for the science communication research project Kiel Science Outreach Campus, and implementing it together…
So what’s going on with my Instagram fascinocean_kiel? Plenty of things are changing! In July, I stuck to the strategy I had developed for my private #scicommchall. But then in…
Even though I started my Instagram @fascinocean_kiel mainly as a proof of concept thing that I wanted to do for one month only to be able to put it on my…
Yes, I have been slacking on the blogging front. But I’ve been very active somewhere else: On Instagram! My account @fascinocean_kiel has been updated almost daily over the last month (I…
My private #SciCommChall for March was to start a science communication Instagram account, fascinocean_kiel. I had a pretty clear idea of where I wanted to go with this account: The…
fascinocean_kiel is my latest scicomm project — I am posting daily pictures from Kiel fjord together with a german description of some cool oceanography stuff you can see on the…