Mirjam Sophia Glessmer

My Instagram in May

Even though I started my Instagram @fascinocean_kiel mainly as a proof of concept thing that I wanted to do for one month only to be able to put it on my CV, it has now been active for three months and it’s still going strong. Why? Because it’s fun! And because it contributed to what I had hoped would happen: Getting the PhD students in my project to also try Instagram. There are so many new accounts being created and active!

We have the project itself as @kisoc_kiel, and then there are very cool accounts (listed in order of creation) by Sara Siebert @frauwissenschaft, Martina Kapitza @martina_kapitza, David Hölscher @hoelscher_arc, Nena Weiler @nena_weiler, and a couple more that I know are in the process of being launched that I will share as soon as they are active. Check them out, they provide a great peek into the projects and especially the people that make up the Kiel Science Outreach Campus! And it’s such a fun group of people to be on an Instagram journey with! :-)

Below the cut, mainly as my private archive, my May Instagram posts. I would strongly encourage you to look at them on the Instagram website (or, obviously, inside the app if you have it) because there are a couple cool movies in here that are now just screenshots, and also I didn’t copy all my awesome descriptions in, either. Plus if you don’t read German, Instagram has a translation function… ;-)

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