Mirjam Sophia Glessmer

…and all of this works just the same way with tea (and sometimes even better)!

Welcome to the active coffee break at iEarth GeoLearning Forum!

Oslo, 21.+22.10.2021

— Download the postcard & posters below —

So nice to see you here! #KitchenOceanography is really about this: Sitting down with friends to enjoy spending time together — and suddenly getting distracted by your coffee. There are layers of different colours going on! Wow! What is going on? Why are they forming? And is this process relevant somewhere else? In the ocean? Really? Tell me more! So it’s really a great ice breaker to talk about climate matters.

What is super interesting about #KitchenOceanography is that once you have noticed something like this going on, you cannot unsee it.

Personal communication with Dario (18.10.2021)

#KitchenOceanography is thus a “transformative experience” (Pugh, 2011): “Transformative experiences occur when students actively use curricular concepts in everyday life to see and experience the world in a new, meaningful way” — and that’s what I love about them!

Interested in more #KitchenOceanography? Then check out my 24-days of #KitchenOceanography advent calendar or “Let your favourite beverage tell you about what type of ocean research you should do” fortune teller, or get in touch with me, always happy to talk! :)

Click to download .jpg

Click to download .jpg of poster “hydrological cycle”

And here are some “#KitchenOceanography with coffee moments”:

At the GeoLearning Forum in Oslo (October 2021)

Day 2 of playing with coffee & milk, and then ice cubes and salt, and eventually soft ice and whatever else was left of the coffee break. So much fun! The top left one is the double-diffusively layered latte experiment I was going for, the rest was open exploration. @kjersti.daae’s & my contribution to @iearth.no’s sharing session at #GeoLearningForum2021

At a “Hammer talk” for the geo department UiO (October 2021)

Picture by Marcel Moura. Wow do I look happy to talk about kitchen oceanography!

Double-diffusive mixing has formed these distinct, diffusive layers in a coffee-milk mixture

At the CHESS/iEarth summer school in Bergen (September 2021)

Participants of the CHESS/iEarth Summer School 2021 exploring #KitchenOceanography. Picture by Torgny Roxå

Pugh, K. J. (2011). Transformative experience: An integrative construct in the spirit of Deweyan pragmatism. Educational Psychologist, 46(2), 107-121.

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