I love how powerful Powerpoint is, at the same time there surely is a way out there to create these kind of animations with a little less copy & pasting, and especially without manually moving tons of stuff by juuust a tiny little bit from frame to frame?
How would you build these kinds of pictures? I’m even considering Matlab at this point (which I really don’t think would be such a stupid idea after all)
andyextance says:
There are a number of tools I’m planning to explore in this area, if you get a chance to use them I’d be interested to hear how you get on. One I’ve used once is Adobe Spark, which is a free tool. The main one that sounds like it would work for you is Animoto. I also wonder whether Wochit or Headliner would help. If you do try any of these please let me know how you get on – I’ve subscribed to this comment thread, and read your blog regularly.