Mirjam Sophia Glessmer


Some #WaveWatching pics from my Insta @fascinocean_kiel for our mental health

Such beautiful light in the morning, but it never really comes out in the pictures

Let the weekend begin

I always look at a wave and think it cannot get any more perfect than that, and then the next one comes, and the next one

Fun dipping today! Love the waves

Today I facilitated the serious game #biodiversitycollage for new students in risk management at @lth_lunduniversity, which is always an emotional adventure. I came out feeling very positive about curious and insightful conversations on the one hand, but also very much aware that for many of the students, this was the first time they actually thought through biodiversity, how human influences put pressure on the system and drive biodiversity loss, and the catastrophic consequences of that. Which is difficult to deal with, so I hope the peer support in the group is as strong as it seemed, or that they come talk to us. We’ll work on turning fear and frustration into action! In two weeks it’s time for the @climatefresk, and over the next 5 years we will hopefully continue discussing and learning together, to work for a sustainable future. And maybe we can follow @sr_bergen’s example and set up a Climate Activism 101 course? Students seemed very positive about that idea!

Clearly there is a bubble…arch? Why oh why does it not look like a ring? How do I get more air in but not too much? The exact perfect amount?

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