Here is a recap of the last month or so of my #WaveWatching pics on Insta. Enjoy!
Phenomenal wave watching at freediving again
Windy morning #langmuircirculation
Shower incoming…
Happy place :)
Kayaking adventure
Freshwater swim needed after kayaking & saltwater swim
What to do in this weather? Read about “ecological universities”, go swimming, watch underwater rugby world championship with @active.divers’ @edvinmartensson & Mattias!
Underwater life
More kayaking adventures with världens bästa Elin
Rainbow game was strong yesterday!
Perfect Sunday diving
Wrong settings on the camera make a beautiful beach day in Beddinge look a lot more dramatic than it was
Things that make me happy: nice layers in a caffe latte AND being on a ship!
@kjersti.daae’s, mine & colleagues’ article on our fieldwork bingo has been published in @tosoceanography! Check it out via my blog (link in bio) or here:
Glessmer, M.S., L. Latuta, F. Saltalamacchia, and K. Daae. 2023. Activity bingo: Nudging students to make the most out of fieldwork. Oceanography,
Thanks to all the students that were willing to play and give us feedback to help improve the bingo! I think it has become a pretty good & fun tool!
Bubble- (were supposed to be -rings, but oh well…) and #wavewatching from below the surface. Perfect way to spend a Sunday!
Windy swim and #langmuircirculation