The second coolest thing about #KitchenOceanography is, besides obviously the oceanography as the coolest part, that it can all be done at home, in your own kitchen (hence the name).
Today, I’m contributing to the “virtuellen Gauß-AG” of Leibniz Universität Hannover, a vacation program on STEM topics, that, of course, has to be done from home while physically distancing, with whatever people might have available to them.
I have recorded a couple of videos and written up a quizz (all in german, sorry), check it out here! You’ve even got the chance of winning my book if you post a picture of your experiments, mark it with #KitchenOceanography and tag me :-)
Teaching field courses in a virtual setting - Adventures in Oceanography and Teaching says:
[…] least, if you want students to do some practical work at home in a virtual course, there is always kitchen oceanography, which in this context means hands-on activities that can be done solely with materials that […]