Minutes after drawing the illustration to the “you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop” quote I shared yesterday in the most beautiful sunshine, the sky started looking like this.
Luckily I had a nice spot from which I could observe what happened next…
…lots of drops. In the ocean. Or oceans in the drops? Who knows. Anyway, after just having done that drop drawing, I couldn’t very well get upset, and I love watching rain on water anyway.
Just look at all the wave rings, and the way drops are catapulted up again only through surface tension!
Here is a (first normal speed, then slow motion) video so you can appreciate it properly, too:
As the rain passed, I found it super impressive to watch the rain showers as they went down elsewhere.
Like over the mouth of Kiel fjord, and I am showing the same spot repeatedly in the following (with more or less the same view, you can use the buoy as point of reference).
I don’t know enough about meteorology to understand what’s going on there, but I can still appreciate the beauty of the rain cloud and how differently things look where it is propagating to (to the right) and where it has already left (to the left).
See how much lower the clouds on the right are, and clearly a different kind of cloud compared to the ones on the left?
At times, it got really dark.
And I watched this one cloud move, continuously raining.
Then there was a dry period of a couple of hours, and when I walked home, it looked like this: Again distinct areas with rain showers.
What I found also really interesting is the swimmer’s wake you see below. There is so much to see in that one picture: The wake, the rain shower in the background, the changing surface roughness from rougher, darker areas, and smoother, lighter areas, and then the areas in the foreground where we can look into the water (see here for why we can do that in some places and not in others)
Same thing as above, only in a different picture…
And again, this time with a really impressive black cloud. And interference pattern in the waves in the foreground.
And now even ring waves that that seagull made…
And as if I hadn’t had enough wave watching in one day, here is a different spot in the afternoon. See the interference pattern as waves get refracted around the bollard?
And, of course, another strong shower came and made us retreat to the inside. But see the rainbow in the picture below? Those are the kind of things that make me really happy! :-)
#DropPhotography. Art or physics? Art AND physics! | Dr. Mirjam S. Glessmer says:
[…] I take pictures of drops, they look like the picture below (which I showed in a blogpost yesterday), but I see tons of physics everywhere. Ring-shaped waves! Drops jumping up due to surface tension! […]