Mirjam Sophia Glessmer

Presenting our new school lab on “energy in the climate system” at a conference

Next week we’ll be presenting out new lab on energy in the climate system (read more about it here) at a conference.

The main focus is on actually presenting and conducting the experiments and showing and discussing the materials we developed, but I put together two posters to put up in some corner, to have something to point at while giving a brief overview over the concept and the experiments.

If you are curious, here they are (unfortunately in german, but give me a shout if you would like a translation of something!).

Poster 1 is about the general concept and the three phases of the lab: The overarching question, the experimental phase, and the expert puzzle which we use together with the MSCM model (more about that here) to bring the experts to a common understanding of the system.

Poster 2 is just a bunch of pictures of individual experiments that are being done at the different stations. And I realized I urgently need better pictures for the next conference! Especially pictures with kids on them and not my team.

So here we go! That’s what I’ve been up to recently.

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