The KiFo owns a ROV that — until now — has never been fully operational. But since I like a challenge (and have a really skilled research assistant who really deserves all the credit) it’s working again!
We first went to test it in a tiny lake on campus.
This was exciting enough, since it seemed to have been leaking on previous attempts.
But this time round it did not, and the lake wasn’t deep enough to test whether it was actually water proof even at increasing pressure.
So off to the Kiel Fjord we went!
And after some careful preparations…
…and a careful launch…
…it worked! :-)
Well, at least until the laptop battery died. But it’s a start! Thanks again for the great work, Nico!!!
icemarcusb says:
congratulations! I look forward to seeing some pictures and data :-)
Teacher training at Lotseninsel | Mirjam S. Glessmer says:
[…] After unpacking all that stuff, we went to test some instrumentation in the pouring rain. This is our cute ROV: […]