Mirjam Sophia Glessmer


Making dandelion stem spirals.

It’s sunny, dandelions are everywhere and not every post on this blog has to be about oceanography in the strictest sense (although you’ll see the connection at the end of this post, I promise!).

But first, pretty pictures of pretty flowers.



As a kid, I could never understand why nobody wanted dandelions in their lawns – they are so pretty! Now I have my own lawn to look after and I am kind of starting to see the point, but still – they are so pretty! Plus you can do all kinds of cool experiments with them.


Dandelion with cut stem

Which I did.

I forget how quickly the stem slices spiral up. Look here!

And if you kinda like doing this, but still want a connection to oceanography, look more closely at these pretty pictures.


More dandelions with cut stems.

Can you see it? Let me give you a clue:



See it now? No? Oh well, you might just have to wait for the next post then…

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