The third and final illustration I made of my favourite ocean quotes that you (in this case, Astrid) submitted to celebrate my blog’s 6th Birthday with me!
I am so lazy (or so efficient?) that even my doodles are multi purpose. Like this one, which is one of my three favourite ocean-related quotes I promised to illustrate…
As part of my blog’s 6th Birthday celebration, I asked you to submit your favourite ocean quotes so I could illustrate them for you. This is what Benjamin suggested (and…
If you are here because you saw my title or talk at the Science in Public conference in Manchester and are curious about #dropphotography as a form of art&science collaboration in scicomm…
You might remember that I had the honour of giving a speech at the opening of Wlodek Brühl’s art exhibition back in spring. Preparing my presentation for the Science in Public…
If you don’t want to “preach to the choir”, how do you, as science communicator, reach new audiences occasionally? One way that I tried today is to give the (invited,…
I am a huuuge fan of Wlodek Brühl’s liquid art: Pictures of water sculptures that are created with focus on the tiniest of details, that only persist for milliseconds, but…
Do you sometimes feel that wherever you go, you just happen to observe something that makes you think about physics? I definitely do, and that’s what happened to me again…