Update from my #WaveWatching Insta. Enjoy!
Musings at the bus stop about the little grain of salt that got flung on the sidewalk when they salted the road earlier. What a huge radius of influence it has already, and there is still plenty of grain left at the center of the circle. Will it be able to grow the circle even larger? Fascinating!
Water in between the window panes of a bus might not be optimal, but I thought this was the coolest busride EVER!!! I’m giving you all the bumps and thus best short wavelength, high amplitude bits of a 21 minute ride between Lund and Bjärred, enjoy! Although the regular accelerations weren’t too shabby, either… Just not quite as spectacular
Thanks for a great competition @active.divers! That was a great Sunday, so exciting to see so many amazing dives and PBs (suuuuper proud of @mytroed Team Fishie Fishie!) and very grateful that you all avoided BOs! :)
I love waves and dipping, especially combined, but today just watching and then a cold shower seemed like the smarter idea