Welcome to #WaveWatchingWednesday, my series in which I share my daily #WaveWatching pics from my Instagram @fascinocean_kiel to this blog!
Different kind of water games tonight: looking at water flying as nice parabolas until it hits more water and just splashes. Lit from below. In the rain. Waiting for the bus. Oh no wait, that last bit was just me!
Windy morning with developing langmuir circulation! The convergence zones show up because that’s where foam and other floaty stuff collects. They aren’t quite regular rows yet, because the wind only picked up earlier this morning and they need a bit of time to develop, but we are getting there!
Langmuir circulation always reminds me of that trip with @leelamary a loooong time ago, and more recently of the student cruise with @kjersti.daae and @hcsteenlarsen :)
I just love this perspective from juuust above the sea, where even 30cm waves break the horizon. Also look at those capillary wave groups that are so surprisingly well ordered in the larger chaos!
What can I say. I love this perspective and the combination of the long breaking waves and the capillary waves on top, as if nothing else was going on…
With the right perspective, the sea becomes quite scary looking. Had a great swim with colleagues from Bratislava and Ulster, thanks for coming out!
So happy I moved to be close to the sea again! Sooooo worth it! Two swims today, and swimming every single day since I moved here. And then these views
After a day and a bit of more wind, the sandy seafloor has broken out into lots of short wavelength, large-ish amplitude ripples! Many days it’s completely flat here
For my 40th Birthday, I will be giving myself an awesome turkish towel changing poncho. Now that I go swimming in the sea every day… Luckily it arrived early so I could test it today before washing (needs it baaaaad, it smells very new), drying and wrapping it, and then being very surprised on the day
Sometimes I find it so hard to decide which pictures I like best. In the first one, I really like the look of the breaking wave on a submerged sandbank. In the second one the breaking waves are not as pretty, but I like the changing colors. And these are just two out of like fifty I took in the exact same spot this morning……
Pretty langmuir circulation again! It’s so tricky to take pictures of, the light and direction have to be juuuuust right. But here it’s quite clearly visible, isn’t it?
@kjersti.daae & my article on collaborative sketching was published today in @tosoceanography! We discuss how portable whiteboards can support collaborative sketching, which, in turn, is great to support sensemaking of new concepts, or formulating hypotheses for outcomes of experiments. Here you see how students not only figured out coastal wind-driven up- and downwelling, but had enough fun doing it that they drew hemisphere-appropriate wildlife as decorations!
Early in the morning, I often find all the swans together in one little bay, all oriented into the wind. Don’t know if they sleep like that or if it’s some kind of morning ritual?
P.S.: the horizon is straight in this picture, it’s just the pier giving some weird optical illusion!
The halo is real, the upper left corner is from when I dropped my new phone on concrete playing skipping rope with my nieces…
But: very interesting to observe the progress on the new pier! Although I don’t envy the poor person that has to put 12 screws in every single floor board. The old pier has only 6 screws per board…
Even though the sea is very calm and the only waves are the wakes of the swans, it looks like there is quite some wind up where those clouds are!
Gratulerer med dagen, Norge! Today’s after-the-morning-swim challenge that I even gave priority over proper wave watching: coordinate background view, direction of sun/shade and wind/flag, catch a glimpse of my blouse’s pretty sleeves, and don’t look too stupid. Don’t tell me on how many of those I failed… But I just wanted to say: have a great day today, all my friends in Norway and those who wish they were there! And everybody else, of course, enjoy the thought of my awkwardly taking selfies with a Norwegian flag in Sweden
My white 17. Mai blouse made it to about 5 minutes into the office, when I spilled coffee on it. Luckily for me, I had another top at the office. Luckily for you, I did take some wave pictures this morning, for example of these pretty capillary waves!
I love the coastal walks here because they are so diverse. Over really short distances, everything changes. One moment you are on the beach, next in between trees. But you always see Malmö, Öresundbridge and Copenhagen in the distance…
Very cool observation on my evening walk: see the dark blue stripe behind that moored boat, where the sea’s surface roughness is higher because the wind needs to go around the boat and thus speeds up & gets more turbulent? Check out the timelapse videos of how that plays out. I think it is suuuper cool!
Low sun is always better for wave watching, because waves show up a lot more clearly when they have one lit and one shadow side. Also check out how the sun glint isn’t just drawing one nice path, but changes depending on the surface roughness of the water.
Thanks for the walk @fraubioke :)
I guess it’s officially summer when the bathing island has been deployed and the beach has gotten a couple more truckloads of sand?
Enjoying the sunny morning swim while the new pier/platform aren’t on top of those pillars yet. But I’m assuming there will be new bathing stairs down from the new platform, or otherwise I will have a good reason to venture a little further out into the sun…
You know I love using coffee in #KitchenOceanography. But yesterday in a peer-teaching session, we used the process of making instant coffee to explore flow diagrams in chemical engineering, following experimental protocols (from the back of the coffee bag), using a variety of measurement techniques to figure out how much energy we were using, what temperature the water and coffee had, and to talk about measurement errors, scaling for industrial applications, and much more. And to talk about assessing prior knowledge, active learning, learning outcomes, … So much fun, thank you Johan & Hanna!
Almost Bergen weather! Perfect for a morning in the sauna (and in the sea, obviously). Rain on water is so pretty!
A swan investigates why there are some areas of the seafloor full of distinct ripples, whereas right next to them it’s only sliiiightly (like 10-15 cm, so not much compared to a typical wavelength here) deeper and the seafloor is ripple-free. Maybe because the deeper parts are close to the pier & bathing stairs, which distort the wavefield? What do you say @m_paul_coastal?
Pretty wakes! The difficulty with taking pictures of wakes is that the moment you stop or otherwise change your motion, the ducks will react and change their path, too. Then the Vs end up all wobbly…