I just realised that the last time I posted #WaveWatching pics from my Insta @fascinocean_kiel was today a month ago, so I couldn’t wait until Wednesday… Please enjoy pics from Bergen, the cabin, the train to Oslo and back with a brilliant weekend in Voss, and the ride home to Kiel!
The arrow is pointing the wrong way: both roll waves (on the asphalt) and “normal” waves (on the stones on the edge of the street) are coming down the hill, towards us!
Actually, the waves on the right are standing waves and they are not going anywhere, it’s just the water that is coming towards us in that case!
So here we are, crossing a bridge on a bus, watching the wake of a ship that has disappeared into the fog… Happy weekend!
My happy place
#WakeWatching, without even getting up! Love it! Happy weekend, everybody!
Coffee with a view while planning #KitchenOceanography for the @iearth.no #GeoLearningForum2021!
Does it count as #KitchenOceanography if I make a vortex to poach an egg?
This place is absolutely awe-inspiring. It isn’t even a particularly windy or wavy day, yet with a bit of a funnel, there are enormous amounts of energy crashing here. See the old bridge supports and people on the other side for scale… Also love the contrast of that huge wave and the bunch of small waves where the spray hits the still puddle in the foreground! Very much un-tamed nature…
I look like I’m wondering whether it’s a good idea to turn my back to all that wave power…
The water on the right was brought up there by an earlier wave, falling back down when the next one is already coming. Surprising I ever managed to leave this amazing spectacle!
Still playing with coffee #KitchenOceanography for #GeoLearningForum2021. Which version do you prefer, dark on white or white on dark? And what color should the dark color be? You can’t really make it out, but it’s a dark blue right now…
On the right side of the weather…
After a lot of rain last night, the water is shooting down the rocks so quickly that the sea is struggling to keep the water level up in that spot! Submerged hydraulic jump!!
Can you see that you are standing at the end of a narrow pier?
From both sides, waves are refracted, coming into the spot right in front of us, the center of the concentric circle segments mark the edges of the pier!
Lots of fishies and comb jellyfish! So cute!
What would I be willing to miss a bus for? Taking pictures of waves! In this case, roll waves! Very cool.
Would other people be willing to miss a bus for pictures of waves? Judging from L’s back, probably not
If a weekend has to end, at least make it a double rainbow while waiting at the bus stop…
Planetary Rossby waves in our rotating #DIYnamics tanks! One of my favourite experiments ever!
Planetary Rossby waves in our rotating #DIYnamics tanks! One of my favourite experiments ever!
Lots of lightbulb moments everywhere!
Just in case you weren’t sure how I feel about rotating tank experiments… For today’s class, I made heart-shaped ice cubes! Which we got to use with a bit of a delay because of a fire alarm in the building with the freezer…. :D
Just in case you weren’t sure how I feel about rotating tank experiments… For today’s class, I made heart-shaped ice cubes! Which we got to use with a bit of a delay because of a fire alarm in the building with the freezer…. :D
Looks like spring has arrived!
Made the most out of a sunny evening!
Oh look, this is actually a pretty good light to take pictures of roll waves! Interestingly, these are not evenly spaced, there are larger ones that overtake the others and eat them up!
Good night, Bergen!
Here we have roll waves and standing waves in very close proximity. What’s different? I’d assume roughness of asphalt is similar, slope is similar-ish. Only water depth might be slightly less where roll waves, those gushes of water that are pulsating down the hill, form. Pretty cool!
You all had better be ready for some serious #KitchenOceanography at #GeoLearningForum2021! We will put the coffee breaks to good use!
Don’t know how anyone can work on #bergensbanen. All I can do is look out of the window and take way too many pictures! So glad there is more water in the rivers this time around!
Fascinated by the different textures of the water surface! Why this smoother stripe in the middle? I have NO idea!
Much more water this time round! And I love standing waves that constantly break upstream but can never fill the dip created by the strong current!
Much more water this time round! And I love standing waves that constantly break upstream but can never fill the dip created by the strong current!
Never seen this before: Hoar frost combined with frozen water droplets. So what do we think happened here? Rain, then sudden drop in temperature to create frost?
When @kjersti.daae pointed out the many levels of clouds, I had already forgotten the lowest one, which we had crossed
So cool: water trapped behind the falling curtain of water and the submerged hydraulic jump! See the higher water level in the back?
Isn’t this just soooo beautiful? And fascinating how some of the water is trapped in the boundary layer, running down along the rock, and some shoots over the edge and goes flying?
#Turbulence in non-rotating and rotating fluids! How cool is that? Teaser for some of the #kitchenoceanography @kjersti.daae & I are preparing for @iearth.no‘s #GeoLearningForum2021! :)
Just gave a presentation at @geohyd_unioslo on #KitchenOceanography using coffee (my super cool new postcards did arrive exactly on time, so happy Vanja went and picked them up!)
Creating internal waves on a double-diffusive stratification of milk & coffee! Thanks for playing, I had so much fun! :)
shooting away from the point of impact, then a hydraulic jump, then flowing water, very nicely visible here!
Day 2 of playing with coffee & milk, and then ice cubes and salt, and eventually softice and whatever else was left of the coffee break. So much fun! The top left one is the double-diffusively layered latte experiment I was going for, the rest was open exploration. @kjersti.daae’s & my contribution to @iearth.no’s sharing session at #GeoLearningForum2021
Can’t remember at what time I had a drink during the night, but judging from the shape of my bottle, it was probably somewhere high up in the mountains!
Home is … getting off the night train, sneaking into your friend’s house in the dark, curling up on the couch, and waking up to coffee & bacon & eggs. And then going on a road trip involving at least 3 ferry rides and going back and forth an 8 km tunnel to 260m below sea level just because the bridge before has such pretty views. Thank you for a wonderful day @gloep_
Wake watching: nice separation of the turbulent wake where the boat pushed through the water bounded by a little foam, & the V-shaped wake formed of wavelets
It’s not getting boring, now that I’ve been home for almost 5 hours… @kjersti.daae and I just presented at #issotl!