Mirjam Sophia Glessmer

“Things I wanted to say but didn’t get the chance…”: A method to include missing voices!

I’m currently leading another virtual 3-day workshop on “introduction to university teaching”, and yesterday I left a prompt on the shared slide deck we are working on, “Things I wanted to say but didn’t get the chance…”, for participants to react to when they gave me the continue, start, stop feedback on that day. As I explained to the participants, the idea is that there are many reasons why participants might choose to not contribute even a relevant point in the heat of the moment. They might be shy, they might think the thought wasn’t that super relevant, they might not want to derail the conversation, they might be afraid of the reaction they might get, they might not be sure of how well technology will work and if a bad network connection might lead to awkward moments, and many more. But what a pity if all those thoughts are lost, especially since I would bet that there is a systemic bias in who speaks a lot and who doesn’t. So including this way to hear missing voices seemed a good idea, and it was interesting to see what it brought up! I’ll always do this now! What do you think, will you, too?

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  1. […] also really like asking people for things they didn’t get the chance to say after a course, so no good ideas get lost just because someone was too shy or for other reasons […]

  2. […] above to have multiple ways of addressing issues available. I personally am a fan of the “things I didn’t get the chance to say” method, to include missing voices maybe not at the exact time when others are talking about […]

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