A “fortune teller” for #WorldOceanDay! What would you work on if you were an ocean scientist? And if you are an ocean scientist — are you doing the work you were destined for? ;-) Your favourite drink can give you the answer!
Click on the image below to download a printable .pdf, and find out!
I would really appreciate it if you could give me a 3-minute feedback (click here!) so I can improve future versions of the “fortune teller” as well as my science communication in general!
#WaveWatchingWednesday - Adventures in Oceanography and Teaching says:
[…] favourite drink can tell you what your #OceanResearch should be on. Build the fortune teller (link here) and find […]
CHESS/iEarth joint course on “communication skills in outreach and teaching” – CHESS says:
[…] ideas inspired by the xkcd “upgoer 5” editor, making fortune tellers and playing with “kitchen oceanography”. But the most important part of the workshops were our phenomenal guest speakers. Robert Kordts led […]