Climate change communication
Needs a good vis’alization
Political protesters and
politicians should best be shunned
to avoid defens’ve reaction’.
Show behaviour in relation:
not one car, but road congestion.
action’ble steps that can confront
Climate change…
Use real people’s real emotion
unfamiliar, thought-provoking.
Not overwhelmed, but rather stunned,
that’s how people best understand
unconscious habits’ implication’.
Climate change…
*This poem is a „rondeau”, and it is based on the findings in the “Climate Visuals – 7 Key Principles for Visual Climate Change Communication” report (
Reading in preparation of the next meeting of "Climate Activism 101" - Adventures in Oceanography and Teaching says:
[…] of another great resource, the 7 principles of climate change communication which I actually once wrote a scipoem about! They also have a bank of pictures that they have tested for effectiveness in climate change […]