Looking at the picture below, can you guess which experiment I am going to do at the MeerKlima.de workshop? Yep, my favourite experiment — melting ice cubes! :-)
And I am obviously prepared for several extensions of the classic experiment should the students be so inclined…
Now I only need to get the ice cubes from Kiel to Hamburg — and as ice cubes, not a colourful, salty, wet mess :-)
Having gotten that backstory as a hint, any idea what’s going on with the spoons below?
Yep. Freshwater on the left, salt water on the right. Different refraction indices due to different densities. Neat :-)
My workshop at MeerKlima.de | Mirjam S. Glessmer says:
[…] participants due to the size of the room (and the amount of stuff that I had lugged in from Kiel. Yesterday’s ice cubes did very well, btw!). And there were two TV crews and a photographer documenting the awesome ice […]