Mirjam Sophia Glessmer
Waves on Aasee in Münster. By Mirjam S. Glessmer

More wave phenomena on a lake, and a bit about wind

Last week I showed you the results of my “wave hunt expedition” on Aasee in Münster. Today, I am following up with the same lake on the day after and the day after that. Even more wave phenomena to observe!

First, on my second day in Münster on my way to the conference:

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Clearly it had been windy for a while with more or less constant winds: You see Langmuir circulation cells.

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So imagine my surprise when, on day 3, I wake up to this view:


Absolutely no waves at all, and no wind! Reason enough for a pre-breakfast stroll.


As I was walking the wind picked up, as you can see in the increased surface roughness in the middle of the lake.


But many parts of the lake were still completely calm. For example that weird building, which I sat at for the next half hour or so.


Sitting there, I watched the “sea state” turn to slightly more wavy (see above — aren’t those pretty reflection patterns? :-))


And I love how you have those tiny wave trains. So pretty!

At some point it got too windy for my liking, and I wandered on. And noticed a spot that I had missed on my last walk: A drain going into the lake, making more pretty patterns!


Eventually I had walked all the way around the lake again into the lee of the land, which would have been really boring if it had not been for some duckies:


Oh, and of course more pretty reflections.


Hope you have a great day, too! :-)

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