Mirjam Sophia Glessmer

Help the Earth Science Women’s Network become a non-profit!

Support ESWN’s fund-raising campaign.

I have been a member of ESWN for many years, on the European board since 2010 and on the Leadership Board since 2012, so clearly I think it is a worthwhile cause to support. Through ESWN, I have met many amazing people, formed friendships, found support, started collaborations, received peer-mentoring, attended workshops and much more. If you haven’t joined yet, check out ESWN at ESWNonline.org. And please consider supporting ESWN – details on the campaign here or behind the cut.

The Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN) has been operating for over 10 years to support the career development of women in the geosciences. Over this time, we have grown to over 1600 members, spread to over 50 countries, launched an international jobs site, moved to a snazzy web platform (www.eswnonline.org), designed workshops, hosted networking events and helped women around the world support each other, do great science and build fulfilling careers.

Now, we want to continue ESWN activities, and launch new initiatives. That’s why we’re asking for your help.

We would like to set up ESWN as a non-profit organization. This will help us raise money to continue helping early career scientists, with online and in-person networking opportunities and resources.

So, how much do we need? $14,000 will help us become a non-profit and launch short-term goals. Anything above this will get us on track for a successful future. This is our first fundraising campaign, and we are hoping to get broad participation. So, if you want to give $1, $10, $100 or more –  anything would be great!

A few notes: Crowdtilt is easy and takes a low 2.5% fee, but unfortunately it is limited in terms of functionality. In particular, it shows all contributors. If you’d like to give anonymously, just sign in as “Anonymous Contributor.” We will not share the list of donors or emails with any other organization, and neither will crowdtilt. If you have any question, feel free to contact me (or any of the ESWN Board Members!) directly – names and contact info below.

Thank you!

Tracey Holloway (taholloway@wisc.edu)

on behalf of the ESWN Leadership Board:

Manda Adams

Becca Barnes

Emily Fischer

Mirjam Glessmer

Meredith Hastings

Tracey Holloway

Erika Marín-Spiotta

Carmen Rodriguez

Allison Steiner

Christine Wiedinmyer


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