Mirjam Sophia Glessmer

Defying gravity. And Happy New Year!

Today I was browsing for a new laptop bag online and came across this page (and I am neither affiliated nor anything else with them, as will hopefully also become clear in about a second)*.

They give a lot of advice on what to look for in a laptop bag, but there was one advice in particular that jumped at me and that I absolutely had to share with my dear readers:

A generously padded laptop bag can also release some weight because it “holds” your computer up from the gravity.

Isn’t this awesome? I like it so much I have to repeat it:

A generously padded laptop bag can also release some weight because it “holds” your computer up from the gravity.

I’m thinking about buying two so I can sit on one of the generously padded bags (sounds comfy, right?) while flying alongside my laptop, which will be safely stashed in the other generously padded one. And all the time we will be held up from the gravity!
Clearly, there is still a lot of physics education left to be done in 2014! I’ll be back with regular postings and tons of new experiments on Monday. Until then – Happy New Year!
* and I am especially not responsible for their content, as I am never for external links… ;-)

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