Mirjam Sophia Glessmer


Let’s go wave-watching! Strolling through oceanography

I wrote “Let’s go wave-watching! Strolling through oceanography” (available in both German and English!) for my god-daughter Pauline and her parents. Pauline wasn’t even six months old back then, but I wanted her parents to learn to see everything I see when I look at water, get as excited about it as I get, and teach Pauline to love it, too, as she grows up. We’ll see how that works ;-)

About the book

Would you like to discover fascinating phenomena about water – puddles, creeks, lakes or even the big open sea – on every stroll or trip? After reading this book, you will not be able to walk past water without seeing something new!
Is the water stagnant or flowing? Are the waves caused by animals, ships or the wind? Is the seafloor or coastline influencing how waves form, move and interact with each other?
Be careful, wave-watching is a seriously addictive sport and from now on you will end up suggesting “let’s go water-watching!” to everybody around you at every opportunity!


What’s in the book?

In the book, I show photos of wave phenomena and then overlay them with annotations to show what you can see in those pictures. If you like my posts on reading the water, this book is right up your alley! Explanations are tailored towards kids, though, so don’t expect an oceanography text book, that is not what you’ll get!


How can I get the book?

Since my book has an ISBN (ISBN-13: 9783743102484), you can buy it anywhere where books are sold, for example:


What do people say about the book?

Sara Siebert (07.2018)


It is like a “do it yourself book”, because you can nothing do against it, you have to watch waves! Especially the part about waves and streams was fascinating for me!
As a biologist, after reading your book, I am not only looking for seabirds and whales, also for waves!
Thank you Mirjam!
Nena Weiler (06.2018)
Jeg en gammel seiler /matros har oppdaget en bok som beskriver bølger og strømmer i vannet på en genial måte. Boken er en barnebok som fikk meg til å se på havet fra en annen vinkel og kan virkelig anbefales selv for oss voksne
Jeg har boken i sengen min å jeg bruker og lese i den fra tid til annen
– I’m an old sailor and found a book that describes waves and currents in the water in a clever way. The book is a children’s book but it lead me to look at the sea from a new perspective and I really recommend it even for us grown-ups! :-) I have the book in my bed and read in it every now and then :-)
A sailor on a Norwegian research vessel (04.2017)


If you were not fascinated by the ocean before reading this book, you surely will be after. A magnificent piece of work!
Morven Muilwijk, PhD student in physical oceanography (03.2017)


This book is a wonderful piece of infectious geekery! For me, it’s brought back a level of fascination with the sea surface (or any water surface) that I haven’t felt since I first started studying oceanography, almost two decades ago. I also particularly like the small, neat format that means you can actually take it with you on a stroll. We want to get some copies for our visitors’ centre. On this small island, ‘wave tourism’ is something that could really take off (literally, in the worst case – today, for example, we have gale force winds)…
Reading the book brings me back to the excitement of the first oceanography courses I took as an undergrad. It reminds me of one of my course mates who went for a romantic weekend with her boyfriend. Walking hand-in-hand by the seaside in the glorious sunset, she looked out over the water and said: “look at those refraction patterns”!
– Dr. Jenny Ullgren, physical oceanographer (03.2017)


This book takes the boring out of the Sunday stroll! A non-fiction book the way every one of them should be: entertaining, informative and in the language everyone can understand. Including awesome photos from all over the world illustrating phenomena that the reader can discover in every puddle or even their own sink. Young and old are lovin’ it!
– Pauline’s mom :-) (12.2016)


The examples in the pictures are explained so well that they are easy to understand even when you didn’t know anything about the phenomena before.
-an engineering friend of mine (11.2016)


Mom, can we really keep this book? AWESOME!
-my friend’s 13 year old son (11.2016)


Mirjam’s book woke me up and re-opened my eyes to the magic (physics) of waves and water and all that I had learned.
– a fluid mechanics friend of mine (11.2016)


Got woken up to so much that I already knew, but my eyes were closed to it all. ;)
– a fluid mechanics friend of mine (11.2016)


Ever since you showed me your book, I see all these pattern in the waves that I never noticed before!
– a former student of mine, now PhD student in physical oceanography (9.2016)


And what do you have to say about my book?

Please leave a comment below! :-)


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