I just read this really interesting and important article about “assessment for inclusion, which seeks to ensure diverse students are not disadvantaged through assessment practices” by Tai et al. (2022). Traditional assessment practices often discriminates against people in so many different ways that I had not really carefully considered before.
Tai et al. (2022) provide a lot of scary examples for how traditional assessments can be problematic:
In summary, Tai et al. (2022) write “It is naïve to assume that offering the same assessment to all students provides equal opportunities for achievement: the conditions under which assessment takes place are never identical because of students’ unique personal histories and lived realities. In requiring that students perform the same tasks and be judged against the same standards, assessment fails to acknowledge the value of different perspectives, skills, personal attributes and experience.”
So why have people not changed anything yet? There are three main concerns that Tai et al. (2022) find:
Tai et al. (2022) suggest exploring both authentic assessment and programmatic assessment, which are both commonly mentioned as good practice for good assessment. They also suggest “assessment for distinctiveness”, which I hadn’t thought about in those terms before*: Giving students the opportunity to build a profile for themselves so they can show how they are different from their peers (in typically very large cohorts that study together and typically come out with very similar profiles otherwise, yet end up in very different roles right after university, requiring very different skill sets. So why not develop and show that explicitly already within university?). I love that perspective!
I think the main take-away for me is that, as with all other choices, too, “Choices in assessment design are never neutral, as each may promote or constrain inclusion differently, and affect different people“. No solution here, but a good reminder to keep a lot of different perspectives in mind when thinking about assessment!
*I tend to think about assessment in my academic development context in terms of sustainability: “reduce, reuse, recycle” — how can the artefacts produced in my courses be re-used in other ways? Can a report also be submitted as conference proceedings? Can a final presentation happen in front of an audience of peers so people get recognition and have an influence on the discussions around them? What format would people like to do an artefact in so they can use it for a teaching portfolio or as an episode on their podcast? So I love the “assessment for distinctiveness” perspective!
Featured image from a sunset dip two days ago. Now that we are back to grey and rain I am even more glad that I made time for that!
Tai, J., Ajjawi, R., Bearman, M., Boud, D., Dawson, P., & Jorre de St Jorre, T. (2022). Assessment for inclusion: rethinking contemporary strategies in assessment design. Higher Education Research & Development, 42(2), 483–497. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2022.2057451