Welcome to this #WaveWatchingWednesday, where I share pictures from my Instagram @fascinocean_kiel!
#ICED22 pre-conference #wavewatching at #denuendeligebro #aarhus
Today’s #wavewatching brought to us in Katarina Mårtensson & Torgny Roxå’s inspiring keynote on significant networks in academic development at #ICED22! Maybe the wave watching wasn’t actually their main point, but appreciated nevertheless
Standing wave in water bottle on train with view of andkær vig. One might almost think I have a #wavewatching problem…
This morning there was hardly any wind and thus no waves, but a pretty fast current going along the beach! My polar bear is kept in place by a piece of rope, and you see the wake he’s making!
Visiting the paragliders at the mini stonehenge #alesstenar in beautiful weather with amazing people. I am so grateful for a perfect day!
Also I did not realize paragliding was a thing in skåne, but clearly it is, and the coastline is great for updrift. Physics is so cool!
This #WaveWatching pic is mostly about the absence of waves in the lee of that wave breaker thingy, and those beautiful colors!
Today on my way to my morning swim, I actually turned around half-ways to go back home and get my sunscreen. Wise decision. It’s really summer now!
Sun. Sea. What more could anyone want? Maybe some cool physics? Ok da.
– depending on the angle we look at a water surface at, we can look into the water or see the reflection of the sky. That angle depends on how we look, but also on waves deforming the surface
– very strong signals will show up as reflections at all angles, like the reflection of the pier, which we can see all the way to the bottom of the image (note how it appears deformed by the water surface!)
– the pier’s shadow is projected on the sand ripples at the sea floor and therefore also seems deformed, but in a different way
– the waves you see in this pic are actually the wake of a boat and I missed the part when they were running right under me; now they’ve already run past…
– lastly, some areas are more intensely blue; that’s where a breeze increases the surface roughness and more sky gets reflected from all directions
Just minding my own business here… And dreaming about the dents in the surface that the floating string makes, and how surface tension is weird, and how the deformation of the surface acts as a lense that focusses the sunlight in cool pattern around my shade at the seafloor (pic 2&3)…