Mirjam Sophia Glessmer

#WaveWatching: Oslo to Bergen, more Bergen, and Voss

I’ve been posting over on my #WaveWatching Instagram @fascinocean_kiel and finally got around to copy&pasting all the pics over here. Enjoy catching up on what I’ve been up to!

Checking out this super cool sculpture #SheLies by #MonicaBonvicini this morning. Don’t know what exactly it is about it, but I love it!

Today’s train journey from Oslo to Bergen started out interesting: more than half an hour late and my seat was on the “wrong” side, not on the side where I knew I would see all the amazing lakes later. But: challenge accepted! Let’s see what the “other” side has to offer in terms of water views! So far, so good!

Ok, this side of the track is pretty, too! And #sunglint is great to show the different textures, roughnesses of a water surface. See the different bursts of wind?

Like birches on their own, but with a glimpse of water they are even better ;)

To be fair, “this side” does have surprisingly a lot more water than I had feared ;)

And a really nice pattern in the waves!

And I almost missed those cows!

Somehow that electricity line and cable holding up the mast make the whole picture for me

Yesss, we are getting into water fall territory!

Love how the different sides of the waterfall look so different: one so smooth, the other one so turbulent…

Just love waterfalls!

Here the transition from flowing fast but kind of laminar to completely turbulent is so fascinating!

And then we are driving through fields and farms again

Here the bit in the foreground shows a completely different wave pattern from the background! Seems to be flowing faster, too, but the different reflections of the sky might be playing tricks on us here…

Oh look, glaciers!

Ooooh, pretty colours! There seemed to be a lot of stuff dissolved or suspended in the water, it looks so chaulky

There is not a lot of water in these rivers, but that’s probably a good thing at this time of year?

Love the colours!!! Btw, did you notice the change in vegetation? We are quite high up in the mountains by now!

What a beautiful day for this trip!

Had to cheat & run over to the other side at Finse because I wanted a picture of #hardangerjøkulen

Little change in slope, large effect on flow…

Almost back down at sea level!

And made it to Bergen!

What? Leave me alone, I’m just sightseeing…

And the best? The #wavewatching is awesome as always with at least four different wave regimes in one picture!

Home is also where people get up at sunrise* to take you paddling!
*definition: sun rises above the last obstacle, in this case Ulriken ;)

Doing some sightseeing from the water…

Found out about this old mooring at the mouth of Vågen that apparently merchants had to stop at at some point a long time ago. Almost as fascinating as my friend’s wake ;)

And went for a swim!

And now for some strong tidal current watching… :)

Speaking of how art so often involves nudity: who knows anything about this lady holding a child in #møllendalselven? She’s kinda intriguing! Spotted her today and it freaked us out until we realized it was a sculpture and not an actual person. Looks fairly new, no signs of weathering, especially of changing water levels visible (from a distance, but pretty low water when we were there. Now freaks me out what it’ll look like at high tide! Poor woman!) but I can’t find anything about her online… [Update: very new statue, Bea Schlingelhoff
Bronze Sculpture Dedicated to the Descent of Woman, 2021, read more here]

Amazing day with friends, bbq at the house with The Best view, lots of berry plucking, wave watching (wow, that is pretty far down the list today! That’s saying something about how happy I am to see my friends again and the amazing amount of berries we plucked!
And here I love how further away we see wind rows imprinted in the surface roughness, while in the foreground we can look into the water and the colours change

Always find it absolutely fascinating how one little obstacle changes the entire wave field over a much larger area

So if my phone had a zoom, you’d see a train of eddies detaching from that one small island, and #folgefonnaglacier in the background. Now you just have to trust me it’s there

Best start in a new week — a nice morning swim. Thanks @badenymfeliv :)

At first I thought the pond had partly fallen dry. Then I realized that it’s just leaves floating on the surface. Guess this awesome summer might not last forever…

There is a new blog post up on the dependence of molecular diffusion on temperature, visualized using tea bags in hot and cold water. Which you see happening on the picture showing on the screen of my laptop (which was the one I wanted to post) as well as in the carafe next to the laptop (lucky accident which I had to document)! #kitchenoceanography
Oh and the flower & flag had to go on the picture, too, because I am still so touched that my friends were waiting for me at the train station with them!

Work meeting with a #wavewatching view. And a friend! Best conditions for awesome work! :)

Sun is up, but not quite high enough yet to reach us in the water… But those colorful houses make for pretty reflections!
Thanks for the lovely swim @badenymfeliv :)

Sun making it over the mountain! :) Good morning! :)

Second swim of the day, and very likely the last one in August
But: very nice wind waves plus the capillary waves I’m making while swimming!

Morning swim. We adjusted the time so the sun would be up over the mountain when we were there. Turns out even if it was, the clouds were lower But it’s still so nice to get in the water!

And here I was, thinking today’s teaching challenge would be covid and a lecture theatre with stairs to do experiments in. Turns out the tables are tilted — not ideal (understatement of the year!) to do rotating tank experiments on! Luckily the students figured out many smart solutions, and the problem solving spirit got carried over into enthusiastic experimenting. Always a joy to be part of!

Second swim of the month. And the day. Lucky to have found more water crazy people! #badenymfe

Cool how the points of impact are the only spots without floating leaves. Makes me wonder what sets the radius where there are none around where the water jet hits the surface…

Not as inviting as last night; with the missing sun and the wind, 17deg water temperature feels a lot colder! But luckily I have a great swimming buddy so I didn’t even send the “oh I’m not feeling too peachy, might skip today…” text I had already typed out, but instead remembered that I always feel better after being in the water. First win of the day! :)

Today we brought in some students who were in yesterday’s tank experiment class as “guides” to work with today’s class. They are a year ahead and had the refresher session yesterday, and we were curious about how that might work out. Turns out: really well! Engaged discussions, good questions and questions back, and time flies when you are having fun! We will need to get more feedback, but right now it looks like everybody really benefitted from the cooperation!

On the train to Voss for some hard work (and even harder play) with @kjersti.daae! But great #wavewatching and cloud watching happening already. So fascinating that there is this completely flat area in the middle and more waves to the sides! In terms of reflections it makes sense that rough boundaries would lead to a high surface roughness right there because of interferences, and that a lot of that would dampen out with distance from the boundary. And I don’t know enough about winds to understand why there doesn’t seem to be a lot going on in the middle?

That rock was supposed to jump, not sink!

Pretty impressive #WaveWatching in Voss today!

More awesome waves in Voss

Here we have the wind waves directly coming in a bit more from the left along the shore, and indirectly coming over the sandbank from the right, creating this very cool checkerboard interference pattern. And a sun dog! How cool is this?

Dancing elves, or heat fluxes made visible in preparation for GEOF105 next week? @kjersti.daae @hcsteenlarsen :)

Nice hike with awesome #wavewatching, despite surprisingly little water everywhere!

Hardangerfjorden in the distance, and an interesting train of small clouds!

Look at how the grasses dampen out the wind waves so quickly!

This is how little water is in the rivers right now!

Super fascinating to see the empty rivers; under normal circumstances there is no way I could stand in this spot!

Big advantage of the empty rivers: we could discover a “giant’s kettle” that normally wouldn’t be visible!

Very pretty standing waves in the (almost) empty river!

Wow, the power of water! (Says the oceanographer about impressive geology stuff! )

Nice evening swim in Voss!

esting things: making super smooth water where it was just pulled from, shielding that spot from the wind, and a nice vortex train!

Gave an interview yesterday, got aired this morning on #bayern2. Not difficult to talk about #wavewatching with a view like this!

Building a new power station also means building a new fish ladder for all the salmon. Looking forward to seeing it finished & with more water!

Fascinatingly empty rivers again!

With hardly any wind waves and very little volume transport, the surface was perfect for very deep insights and pretty reflections. Starting to look like fall!

Thank you for the perfect waves, little photo bomb!

#WaveWatching in action: see the train of eddies detaching right where I am standing? And how amazingly clear the water is!
Thanks for the picture and the perfect weekend @kjersti.daae!

When the planned hike ends abruptly after 50m and is replaced with a 3-hour #wavewatching session, you know it’s a perfect Sunday!

Back in Bergen I have to point out that even though this would be even better if there was actually water in the fountain, I LOVE the combination of art and water playground! This is how it should be done everywhere!

That was it for today. Wow, so much wave watching in just a week!

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  1. […] used in academia. From the first email contact to an interview is is often only a matter of hours! (As I experienced with this interview about wave watching, which I gave while travelling through […]

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