Mirjam Sophia Glessmer


It’s Wednesday, and that means it’s time for a recap of my #WaveWatching Instagram!

Check out nice pictures & some explanations behind the cut!

Doesn’t it look cool when there is just one wave train arriving, nothing before, nothing after?

Nice study on wave generation by wind: no wind, no waves. Only when the distance from obstacles gets large enough do waves start to appear. And the ones in the front? Not generated locally, they propagated through underneath the pier from the open area upwind

“You are all going the wrong way!” as @dr_yool would say

What a beautiful calm morning! (Calm only down at the beach in the lee of the land, though, a lot more wind everywhere else. Especially when cycling ;))

A #friendlywaves pic for @manelriveracamacho: Waves bending around an obstacle and the two ends of the crests meeting up at an angle on the other side.

Wind on one side, no (ok, very little) wind on the other side

Moon & venus! Good morning! :)

Sunrise & wake watching. Best start into a new week! :)

Cool wakes on a calm morning. Can you “read” what the ducks did right before the picture? Thanks for your cooperation, duckies!

Today’s beach find :)


And what have you been up to today?

A single duck takes this view from idyllic to AWESOME #WAVEWATCHING
Don’t you just love the delicate structures of a wake, the feathery V with the duck at its tip?

My dad making pretty waves

Swipe to see how the left part, above the weir, goes from mirrorlike to duck playground!

So many waves! The fragile-looking feathery wake with a seagull at its tip. The criss-cross that gives everything texture. And the long waves coming in from the left. What a beautiful morning! :)

Sooo… I just wanted to clean the rheoscopic fluid out of my tank, but then this happened. Guess it gets to stay a little longer…. (read the blogpost!)

When the participants are happily (as far as I can tell) working in breakout rooms, tea is refilled, rest of workshop organized… Time for a selfie!

What does your “teaching from home” setup look like? Are you also using your music stand as tablet holder? ;)

What I learned today: doing this from my sofa is really bad for my back…

Without fail, the highlight of every course where kids learn to handle a boat is for them to swim home, towing said boat. Every. Time!

Workshop leads done for the week. Now coffee with a view & @danjonesocean‘s podcast

And very nice #wavewatching today, too! See how different the waves look on either side of that floaty thingy, on the up- and downwind side?

Windy days are always foam-stripes-parallel-to-the-seawall days and make me inexplicably excited :)

Nice to see how waves are very quickly dampened out once they reach the floaty bio stuff (technical term )


Beautiful morning at the beach!
Can you see the area, about half way to the lighthouse, where the waves are a lot higher than everywhere else? That tells us that there is a sand bank right underneath the surface. In shallow water, waves’ amplitudes grow and their wavelengths get shorter. The sand bank is basically slowing the wave down, but since more waves are arriving at the same speed the wave had before, they need to go somewhere: up!

Good day for fossil finds!

I love how the high waves offshore indicate the spots where the water is super shallow due to sand banks. Plus watching waves break always makes me happy!

#Strandlektüre! In der aktuellen Ausgabe von #WohllebensWelt ist ein schöner Artikel von Bertram Weiß über mich und — na, rate? — “Wellen gucken” zu finden.

Danke, Bertram, für den schönen Strandtag (swipe!) und die anschauliche Art, wie Du “Wellen gucken” für die Leserinnen und Leser erlebbar machst! Ich bekomme seitdem Anfragen von Leuten, die auch mal bei einer Wellenführung dabei sein möchten, #missionaccomplished!

Windy days make for awesome Langmuir circulation! See all those parallel foam stripes? They are pretty much aligned with the wind direction and are convergence zones in which water sinks and floaty stuff that can’t sink thus accumulates. Looks pretty cool, doesn’t it?

Usually I avoid looking at the more industrial sides of Kiel fjord, but today that’s where the best waves and the best light were and I think it looks pretty cool.
The long waves in the foreground are associated with the wave train of one side of a ship’s wake (you know, that wavey V with the ship at its tip)

And that’s it for today! Now go out and do some wave watching! :-)

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  1. […] reason for that new page is super exciting: Another article about me & wave watching will come out in print soon, and they will refer to a german […]

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