Of course I did not only take pictures of lighthouses and instructional activities during the teacher training at Lotseninsel last week. I also took TONS of pictures of water! Some of which I’ll share with you now.
For example below you see where the Schlei flows into the Baltic Sea. This is actually a fairly narrow outlet, and you can see the strong current and the eddies that are formed where it flows into the Baltic Sea! It had been raining a lot previously, so there was a lot of water trying to get out of the Schlei!
A similar pattern can be spotted at the outlet of the marina, but in this it’s mainly wind-driven.
And very nice here: Long swell and short wind waves on top of it.
Of course I also looked at wakes. This is a particularly nice one:
Oh, and reflections. Isn’t it super pretty how the mast gets reflected with all these little twists and turns?
And then we had some shielding from the wind, and waves only appearing after a certain fetch.
Btw, that’s the house we all — and all the teachers — stayed in.
Here we see waves being dampened by some algae stuff, and being deflected downwind of those patches.
Here is another view of the strong current going out of the Schlei and the distinct separation between the two water masses.
And now the same thing in combination with the sailboat’s wake. So pretty!
When we were on our way home, the wind had picked up substantially and we saw lots of foam stripes! Langmuir circulation, nowhere near the coast line.
Here we get a last glimpse of the house we had stayed in… And more foam stripes!
And some more ;-)
And then in Maasholm, we see the waves arriving upwind of the pier and then the tiny ones in the sheltered area. You can see a gust of wind somewhere in the foreground to the right, where there are all those small ripples in a darker patch.
It was a pretty windy day!
And more foam stripes…
And a wake!
And another wake!
And just a couple of pictures of water, because I love water.