Mirjam Sophia Glessmer

Reading the water

As you might know, I really enjoy reading the water – watching the water trying to figure out what processes caused the patterns I see. So here are two more movies from my recent Birthday trip.

First, look at the Este and tell me: Which way does the water go?

And then a second look at the Este shortly before it flows into the Elbe. Watch the oscillating flow. Can you guess what’s going on underneath the surface?

What you see is one of the two Este flood barriers.

Screen shot 2015-05-15 at 6.35.00 PM

The other one, by the way, has an awesome flap bridge, that happened to open right when we arrived there, so I jumped out of the car to watch:

Screen shot 2015-05-15 at 6.35.55 PM

Oh, and it will be a great year for pears :-)Screen shot 2015-05-15 at 6.34.08 PM

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