More on what water can do to light.
Remember my fascination with dandelions? Just to remind you:
Especially in combination with coins and water droplets, dandelions are a source of nearly endless entertainment:
1 NOK with water droplet in the hole in the middle.
See how much cooler 1 NOK coins become only by adding a little water?
The upper coin does not have water in the hole, the lower one does. See the difference?
Here the same two coins in the sun – see how the water droplet in the coin in the back focusses the light whereas the empty hole in the coin in the front is just a hole?
The coin in the foreground doesn’t have water in the hole, the one in the back does. See how they affect light differently?
Pretty cool stuff. And in the next post I’ll show you what this very effect does out in the real world!
Left coin without water, right coin with water in the hole in the middle.
Refraction of light in water – sticks and lenses. | Adventures in Oceanography and Teaching says:
[…] about how a deformation in the surface leads to light being focussed in different ways here and here, another example came to my mind. Remember how my mom and I were watching the standing […]
Surface tension – heaps of water. | says:
[…] seen before in this post, the drops of water act as […]
Eddies – surface imprint and optical properties | says:
[…] Why, you ask? Well, remember this from last weeks post? […]
Optics | Mirjam S. Glessmer says:
[…] even talked about it on this blog before, but I find it still fascinating how every tiny droplet manages to flip the […]