DIY #WaveWatching “fortune teller” on #WaveWatchingWednesday

(Download in English || Download in Spanish; thanks to Felipe Veloso for translating!)

How about a little wave watching game to celebrate #WaveWatchingWednesday?

The minute I saw Andrea Lopez Lang’s tweet, where she made a “fortune teller” (no idea that’s what they were called) as going-away and please-remember-what-you-learned gift for her class, I HAD to make something like that!

Unfortunately I’m not teaching a class right now where I could easily see how this could be done, but luckily there is always wave watching!

Grafic with instructions to build a wave-watching-themed "fortune teller"

Click to get the pdf!

And Kjersti had a great idea for how this could be used right away: To send students out with these toys and ask them to discover one example for each of the waves shown on the toy. Plus then of course document it, and share on social media… ;-)

Waves are traditionally taught in a theoretical and very dry manner, and the transfer to the real world is hardly happening at all (especially since the large tank in the basement at GFI has been demolished, which still breaks my heart), so this is a fun way to get students outside and try & find contents from their lecture in real life.

P.S.: It’s not as difficult as it might seem at first once you start observing and get a little creative. Nobody said that the rock that makes the ring waves had to have been there when you got there, and wakes can be created by ships or bird or even if you pull a stick through the water…